Monday, May 16, 2011

Removing Blackheads ? Natural Remedies To Try | eHealth and ...

Removing blackheads is an important step in bringing acne under control. Acne is a common and annoying skin condition that adults and young people suffer from. It can cause low self-esteem and be very frustrating trying to control it. Understanding what acne and blackheads are, and the reason they form, can lead to knowing how to get rid of them.

You should understand that acne and blackheads are caused by a buildup of excess oil in the sebaceous glands that are located right underneath the skin. It is a myth that acne is caused by uncleanliness.

In medical terms, a blackhead is known as an open comedo. These open comedos are naturally yellowish in appearance but they take on a black color when they form in a hair follicle, which is a common occurrence. That is how they came to be called blackheads. Removing blackheads might not always be needed because in some cases, they disappear on their own.

However, in more chronic cases, removing blackheads by one method or another becomes necessary. There are several different techniques and methodologies one can try, but we are going to concentrate on some natural remedies.

Firstly, adopt a daily regime of washing the affected area in natural vegetable glycerin soap or a natural skin-cleansing agent from the health store. Every second day, you should use a gentle, natural facial scrub. Again, these can be bought OTC (over the counter) at most good health stores.

Successfully removing blackheads means getting down into the pores of your skin, so a warm shower can be helpful to open you pores up prior to cleaning. Twice a week, it is helpful to use a little more forceful heat by way of steaming your pores open. You can do this by putting your face over a bowl of steaming hot water (you can add a tiny amount of plant oil if you wish), and covering your head and the bowl with a towel to ensure the steam is directed at your face. If you happen to use a gym with a sauna, this will do equally well.

Try an all-natural lotion that you can make at home. Use one part rose hip seed oil, one part lavender oil, and two parts jojoba oil. Mix these together and apply to your skin. The jojoba oil and rose hip oil go to work on removing blackheads while the lavender oil reduces inflammation and kills infections.

Squeezing blackheads should be avoided as this can lead to heavy scarring unless done professionally.

You can now also buy something called a comedo extractor or blackhead strip. This is rather like a hair-waxing strip. You simply apply it to the skin, leave it in place for ten minutes, and then pull it off taking the blackheads with it. Two problems. It may cause scarring, and it does nothing to cure the root cause, namely the excessive build up of sebaceous oil.

It is a good idea to try removing blackheads using natural methods first so you do not risk damaging your delicate facial skin. Natural methods work well and may even work better than some of the more dangerous conventional treatments. Learn what you can about natural remedies for blackheads so you can put an end to this troublesome skin condition once and for all.

Are you sick of all the attention those blackheads draw to your face? Do you think that you spend too much time trying to get rid of them just to have them return? Don?t drive yourself crazy and learn about effective solutions how to remove blackheads now! Blackhead Removal ? The Ins and Outs. Recognized expert: Peter Skonctue.


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