Monday, July 25, 2011

Tips for fun streets | Home Improvement Tips

Streets , it is always fun. An activity which does forces us not to himpitan-himpitan, as was the case when he was doing the work. The streets would indeed best perform at certain times, during long holidays, leave, or permission on short vacation.

For a short stay at the time, it will be good if a walk in the cities where you are domiciled. However, the streets are interesting will certainly get a leave of absence and long holidays. There are some things to prepare before starting the activities of the streets in order to vacation.

1. the search for a Unique vacation

It is that you must specify the place or location that it could really not give new freshness, away from the bustle. You can specify through geographical conditions, temperature, and information on the areas that will be targeted.

2 to make the appropriate planning

If you want to enjoy sightseeing and touring nature together, certainly you should also prepare everything properly. For example, take the simple equipment, bags, clothing taste and other. The course will be very different if you choose the road to Singapore, the Japan and so on. Usually, that will be targeted is shopping. Thus, any activity holiday or your streets, prepare terms of maturation, including money of course.

3 Make your medications

If the circumstances and the environment in the streets do not meet the condition of the body, resulting in a mild illness, afflicted by your inventory of drugs may be first aid. However, the drug must be provided in accordance with your body. For example, if you want to leave the country because it is not necessarily any overseas pharmacies selling drugs which is the same as Indonesia. It is also true for walking tours of nature, Indonesia, or anywhere elsewhere.

4. Notes the important numbers

Don?t forget to note the number of anticipation as a stage where something unexpected when the streets. Thus, you can communicate with the world to seek help or rescue. A walk in nature tourism, at least, between you and your friends should provide handy talky (HT) as step of all telecommunications networks could enter the nature.

5 bring a camera

Don?t forget to bring your camera. Phone camera, pocket cameras, SLR equipment. To a certain place, you definitely wish perpetuate certain moments and memories into his own.

6. the Backpaker

Which is not as mature ?planning? or have an adventurous spirit will probably exit ala backpaker. It is a person or a group would be rather left to venture anywhere he likes. In this case, no need to put too much money. Just need to put in place more equipment, such as clothing, tents, a small stove, flashlight, clothes thick to withstand winds or other cold air.

7 being a Guide or to work in the travel agency

If you want to walk around without the cost and equipment and other things that could be considered embarrassing, perhaps you can save or work as a guide or to work in the travel agency. Indirectly by working on it, you enter roads funded by the Office making it costs paid by consumers who want to enjoy the ride and a vacation by registering on the desktop ? the travel agency.

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